Lynx © David Selbert
There are four species of lynx in the world. North America has the bobcat (Lynx rufus) and the Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis). Europe has the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), found only in Spain and Portugal, and the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), which is found across Europe and Asia.
The Eurasian lynx once lived in the UK. They are elusive cats, living in woodlands where they hunt for roe deer in the twilight of dusk and dawn, or the dark of night. The lynx is one of two cat species native to Britain. The other is the wildcat (Felis silvestris), which is now only found in Scotland.
Follow the links below to learn more about the life of the lynx, their history in Britain and across Europe, and how people live alongside them.