Supporting documents

A lynx waking through a grassy area

Lynx © Mark Hamblin/Scotland: The Big Picture

Supporting documents

The Missing Lynx Project is taking a scientific and evidence-led approach to investigating whether lynx could one day return to the UK. On this page, you can find some of the technical documents that underpin our work, as well as shorter summaries and briefing notes.

Project information sheet

A three-page summary providing an overview of The Missing Lynx Project.

Read the summary

Social engagement and consultation

This document is a two-page summary of The Missing Lynx Project's social engagement and consultation.

Read the summary

Ecological research

We have produced an eight-page document summarising the original technical report, assessing whether reintroducing Eurasian lynx to Britain is ecologically feasible. You can also read the full 55-page report. To make this more accessible, we have produced a glossary of terms to accompany the full report, providing definitions that may be useful to the reader.

Read the summary

Read the full report 

Read the glossary


We have also created a document providing answers to some frequently asked questions about the project's ecological feasibility modelling.

Read the modelling FAQs


Briefing notes

We have produced short briefing notes on several aspects of lynx reintroduction, covering issues that would need to be addressed by any future lynx reintroduction.

Disease and health in lynx reintroduction

Sourcing lynx for reintroductions

Translocation and release

Monitoring a lynx reintroduction