Get involved

A lynx standing by an upturned tree. The words "get involved" are imposed over the image

Lynx © Berndt Fischer

Lynx could only be brought back to Britain if the conditions are right – that includes having somewhere that local people are accepting of the animal back in the landscape. The Missing Lynx Project is sharing our results with communities and interest groups within the project area and listening to what people think about the idea of bringing lynx back.

The Missing Lynx exhibition

At the core of this conversation is the Missing Lynx exhibition. This free, ticketed family-friendly exhibition will tour local venues to share information about lynx, the wider nature crisis, and how the restoration of our missing species can be part of the solution. Accessibility has been incorporated into the design of the exhibition. As well as discovering more about lynx, visitors to the exhibition will have the opportunity to have their say by taking part in questionnaires, workshops, interviews and discussion groups. 

The exhibition will share information about: 

  • The biodiversity crisis 

  • The role of species reintroductions in alleviating the crisis 

  • What a lynx is (ecology, behaviour, morphology) 

  • Social (artistic and cultural) and ecological history of the lynx in Britain and Europe 

  • Why lynx are missing from Britain  

  • Why we might want to bring them back 

  • What is a reintroduction and what is being proposed  

  • What the risks of reintroduction are to lynx and humans and how these can be managed 


Get tickets for the exhibition

A lynx in a snowy forest, licking its paw

Lynx © Peter Cairns / 


We've created a questionnaire to give people the opportunity to share their views. This questionnaire will help us to understand attitudes and values, and the anticipated impacts of a potential lynx reintroduction into Britain.

Before completing this questionnaire, we encourage you to learn more about The Missing Lynx Project by browsing through this website or attending an event. This could be the exhibition, or one of the community workshops or focus groups.

This questionnaire is designed for individuals. If you are an organisation looking to respond, please contact for a link to the stakeholder questionnaire.

Complete the questionnaire

Focus groups 

Focus groups will have an on-going and longer-term involvement with the project, with regular meetings to discuss and tackle specific aspects of the consultation. The focus groups are specifically for livestock farmers, and for those with an interest in potential business opportunities. However, if other stakeholder groups express an interest in forming a focus group, there is capacity for this within the lynx community group. 

To be involved in a focus group, please contact


Lynx community group 

The Lynx community group is intended to be a group largely directed by the local community for the local community. Initial ideas for the group are that it is open to all, both those with positive feelings towards the project and those with reservations. This group could be another communication channel for updates about the social consultation and engagement. There is capacity for sub-groups to emerge to complete a range of different tasks. Inclusion and access to opportunity will be a key consideration of this group.  

To be involved with the lynx community group, please contact